We are excited to introduce our new Podcast Network: Whole Care Network, Inc.to our LinktoEXPERT Collaborative Cloud Community.
Christoper MacLellan, Founder and CEO was recently introduced to me at the Davis Creative Lunch and Learn where Chris shared his Podcasting insights such as:
Christopher MacLellan is the author of “What’s The Deal With Caregiving” and the founder at the Whole Care Network. Chris and his now deceased partner were featured in a 2015 Pulitzer Prize nominated story entitled “In Sickness and in Health: A Couple’s Final Journey” which propelled him to write his book and start the Whole Care Network. The motto at the Whole Care Network is “helping you tell your story, one podcast at a time” because it is through story sharing where diversity meets the road to collaborate on a common cause.
The Whole Care Network, Inc. podcasts have been downloaded over 470,000 times!
We encourage you to tune in or consider having your own podcast on the Whole Care Network or both.
Here is their contact information:
WholeCareNetwork.com | Chris@wholecarenetwork.com
954.481.1222 | P.O. Box 540314 Greenacres, FL. 33454
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