Dr. Miluna Fausch, HHCP, Ph.D. Public Speaking + Presentation Coach http://MilunaFausch.com
is the President of the Irvine Holistic Chamber of Commercehttp://www.holisticchamberofcommerce.com/ca-irvine
and a loyal member of LinktoEXPERT for 8 years www.MilunaFausch.LinktoEXPERT.com
Dr. Miluna connected LinktoEXPERT and the Holistic Chamber of Commerce suggesting we collaborate. Fast forward – LinktoEXPERT is thrilled to have the Holistic Chamber of Commerce and their 2000 members around North America an affiliate partner.
Many of HCC members are business owners and now have a resource to find Experts, review their credentials and hire them in minutes to implement your ideas and accomplish your goals with ease.
Or like Dr. Miluna who is known as the Expert and benefits from her LinktoEXPERT interactive publicity platform to reach tens of thousands of decision makers.
Question: What groups of executives, entrepreneurs and business owners do you belong to and would be willing to introduce us to so together we could create another win win win?
Thank you Dr. Miluna for being a connector and collaborater!
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